发布于:2020-12-21 09:40  浏览:6132





将IS09001质量管理体系作为基础并附加上更高的要求,比如,原材料检验,过程检验、成品检验、风险评估、供应商管理、虫害控制、利器管理等。生产报表,对各类物品进行有效管理,现场5S 管理等内容。



社会责任:0.1 Social audit report or certificate. i.e. SA 8000, ICTI, ICS, BSCI. 社会责任审核报告或者证书如SA 8000, ICTI, ICS, BSCI等

1.1 Employees' personal files/ Employment registration/roster (all employees) 人事记录/员工入厂登记/花名册(所有员工)

1.2 Labor contracts (all employees) 劳动合同(所有员工)

1.3 Young worker health examination & occupational health examination records,(if applicable) 未成年工人体检 & 职业健康体检 (若适用)

1.4 Employee manual/handbook, Factory rules & regulations/ Disciplinary practices policy and Records 员工手册/厂纪厂规及处罚记录

1.5 Resignation records 离职记录

1.6 Meeting minutes of union/Selection program and Responsibility of workers’ Rep./Complaint& handling record 工会组织会议记录/工会代表选举程序及其职责/工人投诉处理程序及记录

2.1 Attendant/Payrolls records(12 months) 工作时间/工资记录(12个月)

2.2 Legal/ Local official minimum wage document 当地政府最低工资文件

2.3 Social security insurance (injury/retirement/medical/unemployment etc.) payment receipts/ invoice/Approval from local government/Registration certificate/personnel list 社会保险缴付凭证和参保符合性批文/社保登记证/社保购买花名册

3.1 Health & safety policy/ Regulations and rules 公司的健康安全政策/规章制度

3.2 Certificate of Inspection for Completed Building Construction/ Registration Records 房屋建筑工程竣工验收报告/备案表

3.3 Fire-Fighting Acceptance Inspection Certificate/ Report 厂内建筑消防验收合格证/报告

3.4 Fire drill program & records and fire evacuation plan & procedure (including pictures) 消防应急预案/程序,消防演习记录(含照片)

3.5 Chemical Safety Precaution Measures/MSDS (material safety data sheet) of dangerous chemicals 安全防范应急措施/物料安全数据表

3.6 Testing reports/certificates for drinking water 饮用水测试报告/证书

3.7 Trained first aider certificate 急救人员资格证书

3.8 Certificates and inspection reports for special equipment 特种设备证书和报告

4.1 Sanitation Permit for Kitchen/ Health Certificate of kitchen employee 食堂卫生许可证/食堂员工健康证


1.1 Factory profile/business license/factory layout/O-chart/process flow chart 公司简介/营业执照/工厂平面图/组织架构图/生产工艺流程图

1.2 ISO9001/ BRC or other similar certificate/ Quality policy/ Quality manual/ Quality procedure. ISO9001/BRC或者其他证书/品质方针/品质手册/程序文件.

1.3 Order review and customer focus procedure and records 订单评审和客户关注程序及记录

1.4 Worker training plan 员工培训计划

1.5 Worker quality training records 员工质量培训记录

1.6 Testing criteria and records 内部测试标准和记录

1.7 Production machine maintenance Plan and record 机器设备保养计划/ 保养记录

1.8 Documents control records 文件更改收发记录

1.9 Internal audit plan and records 内部审核计划、记录

1.10 Customer complaint procedure/ records 客户投诉处理程序/记录

2.1 Components purchasing plan 原料采购计划

2.2 Production plan 车间生产计划

3.1 Samples management procedure 样品管理程序

3.2 Material inspection criteria/ records 物料检验标准和记录

3.3 Non-conformance material management procedure 不合格物料管理程序

3.4 Monitoring procedure and records of suppliers 供应商评审程序及记录

3.5 Suppliers list and qualified supplier list 供应商清单/合格供应商清单

3.6 Chemical handling insturction化学品存储及操作指引

4.1 WI 作业指导书

4.2 In-process Inspection criteria/records 生产过程检验标准和检验记录

4.3 Non-conformance management procedure不合格品管理程序

5.1 作业指导书

5.2 Finished goods Inspection criteria/records 成品检验标准和检验记录

5.3 Packing list 包装清单

5.4 OQC sample plan/inspection records 开箱检验计划和检验记录

5.5 Non-conformance management procedure 不合格品管理程序

5.6 Metal detection records (if applicable) 金属探测记录 (若适用)

5.7 Recovery records of hand tools, knives, needles, etc (if applicable) 利器(利器,刀片,断针等)收发记录 (若适用)

5.8 Intenal lab testing criteria and records 实验室内部测试标准和记录

6.1 Material in/out records 物料进出仓记录

6.2 Finished goods release records 成品发货记录

6.3 Identification and traceability (batch code/date code, etc when applicable) 标识及可追溯性(批次标识/日期标识)

6.4 Procedure for sub-contractors on quality and relevant records 分包商质量管理程序和评审记录

6.5 Subcontracted products incoming inspection plan and records 分包商产品进料检验计划和记录


1.1 Environmental inspection record or certificate 环境检查记录和相关环境方面的认证证书

1.2 Environment evaluation report 环境评估报告

1.3 Dangerous chemical waste handling contract/transport records 危险废弃物处理合同/转移记录

1.4 Reduction plan/Records of the use of energy, water, and other resources 节能减排计划和相关记录

1.5 Waste management procedure/Records on waste gas, hazardous solids and water 危险废弃物管理程序和相关记录, 如有害废气, 工业废水和危险固体废弃物

1.6 Management procedure and record of GHG emissions 温室气体管理程序和相关记录





